Compare & Contrast Essays

 With a compare-contrast composition, you use 2 different techniques with them. With the method of comparison you take 2 points and describe the similarities between these 2 arguments, leaving behind the obvious but providing a more analyzed insight for it. In the method of Contrast, you take 2 arguments or topics that might be related and look for the differences.

As instructed for this week, I based my composition on whether is it a myth what people believe about eating breakfast being the most important meal of the day or there are scientific facts behind it. I took the fact that some people believe that breakfast is good for your health or their popular opinion about the importance of breakfast in contrast to the recent studies confirming that whether you eat your breakfast or not, it doesn't have major impact on your health. What it matters at the end is the combination of your lifestyle choices and the diet you carry on.

Is breakfast a choice or a must-do for your health?  

People used to say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but is it a myth or scientific fact?.  For every myth, there’s always a scientific fact that destroys the argument. Although it sounds right or reasonable, breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.  A big part of the North American population used to think otherwise due to the coincidence where 25% of the citizens of the United States skipped breakfast and a big part of them had obesity problems.

There have been studies that point out that people that eat breakfast are leaner and tend to be healthy. However, it is also proven that the people that have been categorized as healthy breakfast eaters have other healthy habits other than the fact that they do not skip breakfast. They have a balanced diet, regularly exercise etc. In other words these people have proven to be in good condition as a consequence of their healthy lifestyle not because they eat breakfast. 

There’s people that believe that if you skip breakfast you eat more later between lunch and dinner, making you gain weight. There might be some truth about that statement. But as long as you keep your food choices healthy and avoid junk food you won’t be gaining weight as much as you think you would. Whether you skip breakfast or not doesn’t matter if your eating habits are poor. Besides, there have been more studies that mention that if you skip breakfast, it minimizes the amount of calorie intake during the day.

With that in mind, an article published by A. Johnstone in the National library of medicine, has confirmed that the dieting methods involved in intermittent fasting are beneficial towards the goal of losing weight. Although this method might not work for every person, for the bodies that are compatible with this way of dieting, it implies skipping breakfast. The most popular is the 16/8 method, where you fast overnight in a window of 16 hours, after that window ends you can eat the following 8 hours during the period of lunch and dinner. In other words, skipping breakfast won’t impact your body negatively, instead we should focus on always carrying a balanced diet full of other good habits to preserve good health.


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